TransCanada moves forward on Napanee power plant proceeding

napaneee power station

Plans are moving ahead for the Napanee Generating Station, a proposed 900-megawatt natural gas electricity generating station that will be located next to the Lennox Generating Station on Hwy. 33 in Loyalist Township, reports Napanee Guide.

Recently, TransCanada Energy Ltd., which building and operating the proposed plant, released the final copy of the NGS Environmental Review Report. The report examines the potential environmental effects that the construction and operation of the plant could bring about, including air quality, noise levels, human health, surface and groundwater, socio-economics, traffic, surrounding ecology and heritage resources.

The economic impact study put a total project cost of $1.2 billion on the table, with more than $300 million being spent in the Belleville through Kingston area alone.Projected impacts could include up to $100,000 being spent by local emergency services to develop specific emergency plans to deal with events at the station, or on specialized equipment they might need.

The station is estimated to create 600 construction-related jobs, 25 long-term jobs, and bring about more than $1 million in tax contributions to the local area.

“We’re looking in the neighbourhood of $1.2 million in taxes for the town, the county and the local school board, split between the three,” said TransCanada’s NGS project representative, Peter Webster.

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