Ottawa Construction News staff writer
The City of Ottawa honoured Ottawa’s finest urban designs Oct. 16 at the Ottawa Urban Design Awards held at the Canadian Museum of Nature, which was itself a recipient of the award in 2011. This biennial program recognizes projects exhibiting urban design excellence built between Sept. 1, 2011 and Sept. 1, 2013.
“Urban design has a strong impact in creating a liveable, vibrant and dynamic city,” said Councillor Peter Hume, chair of the city’s planning committee. “That’s why the judging panel set the bar so high this year. The competition was very tough, and the winning projects are exemplary.”
The competition was open to urban designers, planners, landscape architects, architects, engineers, developers, contractors, consultants, students, artists, property owners and the general public.
Three expert independent jurors assessed 51 submissions in five categories — Student Projects, Urban Infill , Urban Elements, Public Places, Civic Spaces and the newest category featured this year, Visions and Master Plans. This time around, three projects received the Award of Excellence and will move on to compete nationally in the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s (RAIC) 2014 Urban Design Awards program.
In addition, one project submission was unique enough that it did not fall in any of the established categories. As a result, a “Campus Infill” category was created to properly acknowledge the work behind the Robert C. Gillett Student Commons at Algonquin College.
“RAIC’s Urban Design Awards program will host its sixth edition in 2014, and Ottawa has won an award in each of the previous events,” said Nancy Schepers, deputy city manager of planning and infrastructure. “This speaks volumes about both the innovative and vibrant designs in our city’s architecture and use of public space. Ottawa has plenty to be proud about.”
Here is the list of recipients of the Award of Merit and the Award of Excellence for 2013:
Award of Merit – student project 417 Rideau Street Lucas Boyd, Shane Dalke, The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, Carleton University
Award of Merit – student project YouCube Mateusz Nowacki, The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, Carleton University
Award of Excellence – student project
Urban Agritecture Lucas Boyd, The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, Carleton University
Award of Merit – urban infill (low-rise) Zen Barn Christopher Simmonds, Rick Shean: Christopher Simmonds Architect Inc.
Roy Nandram, RND Construction
David Walker, Genivar
Mark Filoso, Alpha Energy Systems
Denis Groulx, Greentech Insulation
Richard Groulx, RJS Masters
Neil Fitzpatrick, ALC/UCC Contractors (landscape)
Phil and Tom Priddle, The Wood Source
Brian Vlaming, LTR Industries
Project owner/developer: Vivien Frenkel and David Moher
This project also won several GOHBA Housing Design Awards, including the People’s Choice Award. See separate story.
Award of Excellence – urban infill (low-rise) The Hintonburg Six James Colizza, Anthony Bruni, Nic De Socio, Colizza Bruni Architecture Inc.
Project owner/developer: Ginna Colizza, Anthony Bruni, Neel Bhatt, Chris Theodossiou, Nic De Socio, Victoria Colizza
Award of Merit – urban infill (mid- to high-rise) 360 LOFTS Condominium Toon Dreessen, Farrow Dreessen Architects Inc.
Jon Turner, Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Ltd.
Richard Chiarelli, Chiarelli Engineering
Douglas Gray, DB Gray Engineering
Project owner/developer: Jakub Ulak Surface Developments Ltd, Tega Developments
Award of Excellence – urban elements
National Capital Commission’s Rideau Canal skateway chalets Anthony Leaning, Richard Gurnham, CSV Architects
Scott Funnell, Halsall Associates
Gordon King, Gordon King Photography
Project owner/developer: Tom Laverty, National Capital Commission
Award of Merit – campus infill (new category by jury) Robert C. Gillett Student Commons Stephen Teeple, Chris Radigan, Eric Boelling, Tomer Diamant, Rob Cheung, Carla Pereja, Teeple Architects Inc.
Donna Johnston, James Moffat, Peter Spal, Neno Kovacevic, IBI Group Project Management, Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture
Rob MacGowan, John Boisonnault, PLC Constructors Canada
Michael Petrescu, Adjelian, Allen, Rubeli Ltd.
Fahim Hassam, Crossey Engineering Ltd.
Project owner/developer: Algonquin College
Award of Merit – visions and master plans
Downtown Moves-Transforming Ottawa’s streets Ron Clarke, Ana Stuermer, Mark Baker, Delcan Corporation
David Leinster, Donna Hinde, Robin Chubb, The Planning Partnership
Marc Jolicoeur, Bartek Komorowski, Vélo-Québec Ken Greenberg, Greenberg Consultants Inc. Jill Sparling, David S.McRobie Architects Inc.
Project owner/developer: Nelson Edwards, City of Ottawa
Award of Merit – visions and master plans
Rideau Canal multi-use crossing Mark Langridge, Peter Fletcher Smith, DTAH
Michael Vachon, Peter Steacy, Tim Dickinson, MMM Group
Project owner/developer: Colin Simpson, City of Ottawa