Ottawa City Council approves infrastructure and building programs and projects

852 bank st.
Rendering of proposed 852 Bank St. project

The City of Ottawa is a step closer to ensuring rail grade separation in Barrhaven after Council approved the Barrhaven Rail Safety Program.

Establishing the program will require approval of funding in the draft 2018 budget for environmental assessments for crossings at Woodroffe Ave., Southwest Transitway and Fallowfield Rd., and for a stand-alone pedestrian and cycling underpass at Jockvale Rd,. Once those assessments are started, the city will be in a position to seek federal and provincial funding for transportation infrastructure. Discussions about funding contributions will also need to take place with VIA Rail.

Council also approved a $313,466 brownfield rehabilitation grant for 852 Bank St. Remediation of this site is expected to take approximately two months. The proposed redevelopment is a four-floor mixed-use space, featuring commercial, office space and residential units.

The City of Ottawa’s infrastructure funding gap has been reduced in recent years. The city has developed a strategy to maintain its tax-funded infrastructure in a state of good repair by 2027, which requires an additional $70 million annually, on average, according to a report approved by council.


Council approved a six-storey 187-unit apartment building and a new park at 190 Richmond Rd. Located near Westboro Transit Station, the area currently consists of a Real Canadian Superstore and two parking lots.


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