12 questions to complete the year and start anew


By Tim Lawlor

Associate publisher, Ottawa Construction News

It’s a New Year with new challenges (and perhaps a few of the same challenges). According to our friend Eileen Chadnick of Big Cheese Coaching, here are a few questions to ask yourself as you review the year past and plan for 2014. For the full posting please go to http://bigcheesecoaching.com/.

The year past

  1. What went well? Identify the goals you accomplished or advanced towards; and anything else that went well and is worth acknowledging.
  2. In what ways did you grow and evolve in the ‘evolution of you’? How were you tested or challenged, and how did you grow as a result? What new skills, knowledge, ideas have made you better or different from the beginning of the year?
  3. What were your favorite moments of the year past? Savoring positive experiences gives you the opportunity to replay the positive moments which is a proven strategy to boost your “positivity muscle.”
  4. What do you need to clean-out or let go of right now from the year past to be ready to start fresh?
  5. What and who are you most grateful for right now? Practicing gratitude helps fast-track you towards greater happiness, health and well-being.
  6. If there was a theme for the past year for you, what would it be? i.e. “This was the year of ____.”

The year ahead

  1. What do you want for the year ahead? What goals are you embracing and willing to commit to?   Make them count; make them meaningful; and make them happen!
  2. In what areas do you need to get better organized? What boundaries and structures will you put in place to manage your time more effectively and meaningfully?
  3. How will you tame the multi-tasking beast and add more focus and flow to your days?  Our brains need some time for focus and flow. Give it some and you will be rewarded with a greater sense of ease.
  4. What inner critics need to be acknowledged and then invited to take a back seat this year in order for you to tap into your more essential self that will empower you to flourish? – e.g. your voice of trust? Wisdom? Experience? Courage?
  5. How will you boost your positivity ratio? Research in the science of positivity has proven that those who practice robust positivity habits enjoy greater success and tend to be more apt to stretch higher and reach more of their goals. What will you commit to practicing in the year ahead?
  6. How will you ensure you get enough quality sleep this year? Lack of quality sleep has become a problem for too many people. It’s time to wake up to the issue of not enough sleep. What will you commit to this year to get the sleep you need to flourish?

Tim Lawlor can be reached by phone at (613) 224-3460 ext 111 or by email at tl*****@cn***.com.


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