Queensway Carleton Hospital building new mental health unit

queensway ottawa

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa has received approval from the Ministry of Health and $9 million to expand and refurbish the mental health unit. The construction goal is to improve and update the physical environment by renovating two existing departments along with building a new two-storey addition.

Also, the redevelopment includes additional inpatient beds and expanded outpatient mental health services, resulting in additional and faster access to care in Ottawa so that people can get the support they need when they need it.

“This expansion will enhance the exceptional medical care provided at our local hospital here in Ottawa West – Nepean,” said local MPP Jeremy Roberts. “Mental health services are very important as our community manages these challenging times. I am thrilled that our Government is funding this important project.”

Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2021, with the project aiming to be completed in 2023.

“By rebuilding our mental health unit, we can provide more people in our community with the care they need and improve the patient experience,” says Dr. Andrew Falconer, president and CEO of Queensway Carleton Hospital. “Mental health supports for this community are more important than ever.”

Once completed, the renovated unit will include a secure outdoor courtyard for patients, additional spaces for group support, an area for exercise and a comfort room for patients to utilize when they need it.

Queensway Carleton Hospital’s mental health program provides intensive and acute mental health inpatient beds, 24/7 emergency consultations, outpatient assessment and treatment, and a recovery-oriented group-based day treatment program.

“On behalf of the entire Queensway Carleton Hospital foundation board, I would like to acknowledge the overwhelming generosity of our community, who have raised a staggering $6 million for our HOPES RISING campaign,” said Ronald Richardson, chair, Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation board of directors.

“We are thrilled that these extensive renovations can now move forward, and that a renewed and therapeutic space that supports hope, healing and recovery is in sight for our patients. Hopes are rising for all in our community today.”

HOPES RISING is a fundraising campaign launched in 2016 by Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation to enhance and improve mental healthcare for a rapidly growing number of adults and families in West Ottawa. It is a campaign inspired by the hopes of families throughout our community to enhance acute mental health services for adults of all ages. To learn more visit: hopesrising.ca.

“It has been an honour for Erin and I to be ambassadors for this important project. It will mean so much to every patient, and to those who care for them, to have access to modern, comfortable facilities for mental healthcare at Queensway Carleton Hospital. We look forward to seeing the doors open in 2023,” said former Senators hockey player, Chris Phillips, who with his wife Erin, are honourary chairs of HOPES RISING.



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