AccssAbility event on March 7 to provide insights, answers so no one is excluded from buildings


Can owners, architects, engineers and designers develop buildings so that no one is excluded “from businesses, public areas or their homes?”

A panel of experts will outline “local initiatives and efforts to ensure AccessAbility” on March 7, says Sonia Zouari, chair of the Ottawa chapter of Construction Specifications Canada (CSC).

“Let’s together promote a design approach that allows for social integration, optimizing independence and fostering autonomy, designing generous space beyond the accommodation of mobility equipment,” she said. “Let’s help the user group to engage positively with movement, designing hand-in-hand with the latest technology, allowing the user to sense obstacles through different sensory channels. We can promote uplifting universal design, strengthening the ecosphere of kindness through design and embracing the diversity of families.”

The event will kick off with a welcome note from Councilor Wilkinson.

Speakers include:

Amy Pothier, an accessibility consultant from Gensler Toronto, who will describe the history of the Ontario Building Code (OBC)’s accessibility requirements since 1990, how accessibility OBC amendments have been developed, and “how the technical changes will affect building design in Ontario;

Allen Mankewich, from the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS) will present results form the CCDS VisitAbility Project – a three year-national initiative;

Steven Titus, president of Aercoustics, will explore the challenges of acoustics in accommodating individuals with hearing impairment;

Roger Gervais, a visitable housing and age-in-place specialist will discuss “the need for barrier free design in dwellings;”

Dean Mellway, acting director of Carleton University’s READ (Research, Education, Accessibility and Design) Initiative will speak about innovative technologies and the economics of accessibility.

There is no charge to attend the event at Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. but you need to reserve in advance. You can access the online registration through this link.

(Table top sponsorships are available, and will be of value if you sell or provide services for accessibility, especially if you are seeking to have them included in future project specifications.)

Ottawa Construction News is the event’s media sponsor.


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