Province supports expansion at Extendicare Kingston long-term care home



Ottawa Construction News staff writer

Extendicare’s Kingston long-term care home will soon offer 192 modern beds for seniors, part of a plan to create over 20,000 new and 15,000 upgraded beds across the province.

This new development is a direct result of the Ontario government’s $2.68 billion ten-year investment for the delivery of 30,000 safe, modern, comfortable beds for our seniors to call home.

“It is essential that we replace or upgrade every older long-term care home in our network to meet the needs of the people we serve,” said Extendicare President and CEO Dr. Michael Guerriere.

“Modern homes built to today’s standards are needed for our residents’ care and comfort. We are grateful for this government’s historic support of long-term care, enabling redevelopment of homes across the province. We also want to extend our thanks to the City of Kingston for its steadfast support for this project throughout the planning process. We are proud to do our part to build a better future for seniors in this community.”

The Extendicare Kingston long-term care home is expected to open in spring 2023.

Meanwhile, PCL Constructors Canada Inc. continues working on the Lakeridge Health Long-Term Care Home in Ajax, another accelerated project.

The home will meet the latest standards for long-term care design, and will include private or semi-private bedrooms, lounge areas, dining rooms, terraces and 100 per cent fresh air supply capability.

It will include 320 new long-term care spaces to help address capacity issues within Ontario’s health and long-term care system.

By using hospital sites, and a range of accelerating measures such as modular construction and rapid procurement, construction is expected to be completed later this year, potentially years faster than the traditional timeline.

The Ontario government has announced a $2.68 billion investment in long-term care development, including  $933 million for 80 new long-term care capital projects.

“This government is repairing and rebuilding Ontario’s long-term care sector after decades of neglect,” said Rod Phillips, minister of long-term care. “When the new facility for Extendicare Kingston is completed, it will have 192 modern beds for seniors in the community to call home, near their family and friends.”



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