NCHCA plans extended advocacy initiatives; Brian Lane takes helm as 2023-4 president


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The National Capital Heavy Construction Association (NCHCA) reported significant membership growth and a healthy budget surplus at its annual general meeting in Ottawa last Tuesday (April 11).

Brian Lane, director of operations of Taggart Construction Ltd., took the helm of the 45-plus year association, as the 2022-2023 term concluded for past president Paul Lemire, from C.A.C.E. Construction (1991) Ltd.

Hundreds of members gathered for a reception, dinner and a review by Ottawa Senators executives and former players Chis Neil and Chris Philips, moderated by sports broadcaster Gord Wilson.

In his presentation, Lane said his priority will be advocacy, “which aligns with NCHCA’s first objective to advocate strong, clear positions and expectations regrading issues that affect the heavy construction industry.”

He said the NCHCA will focus in 2023 on:

  • Advocating for fair, transparent and timely locate services with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Directory;
  • Offering webinars and bulletins on excess soil management in accordance with the new legislation;
  • Advocating with the Ministry ofEnvironment, Conservation and Parks regarding new design criteria for sanitary sewers, storm sewers and forcemains;
  • Providing industry’s perspective and suggestions for improvements to the City of Ottawa programs such as the VPM (Vendor Performance Management) system;
  • Participating in City of Ottawa specification reviews;
  • Advocating for increased investment in road building, and sewer and watermain construction projects with the City of Ottawa;
  • Continuing with “construction community cares” initiatives such as the construction equipment parade in support of CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) and Roger Neilson House, on Saturday, Sept. 16.

Dale Downey, the association’s 2022-23 treasurer, reported a $52,902 surplus for the year, sufficiently higher than the original forecast $10,263.

Overall, the association reported $385,886 in assets for the 2022fiscal year, compared to $350,991 in 2021, mostly cash in chequing and savings accounts.

“NCHCA relies on revenue from membership dues, sponsorship and attendance at events,” he said. “In 2022, we welcomed 21 new members and have welcomed nine new members in the first three months of 2023. We have eight social events planned for 2023” including a fall gala at a local hotel/casino.

“We feel comfortable with NCHCA’s financial position for 2023 as the goal for our not-for profit association is not to drive operating profits, but to use our funds strategically for the benefit of our members.”

At the meeting, the association recognized R.W. Tomlinson Limited and Austin Dollimont with its 2022 Annual Safety Award. The Tomlinson employee “assisted an elderly man who suffered from a heart attack. He performed CPR for 10 minutes until paramedics arrived and used an AED to revive the man,” said Neil Falls, 2022-3 chair of the NCHCA’s Health and Safety Committee.

In addition to new president Brian Lane and Paul Lemire, who continues on the NCHCA as past-president, other 2023-2024 executive members include: First vice-president John DeKroon, K.C.E. Construction Ltd.; second vice-president Dale Downey, Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd.; past-past president; Steve McEachen, Aecon Construction Ontario East Ltd., and treasurer Nick Regalbuto, Ottawa Redline Construction Ltd.

Other directors include:  Nick Bray, Louis W. Bray Construction Ltd.; Brad Gooderham, Green Infrastructure Partners Inc.; Yannick LaMontagne, LDC Precision Concrete Inc.; Chris Lesaux, Wolseley Waterworks Group; Dave McClure, Toromont Cat; Joel McIntyre, R.W. Tomlinson Ltd.; Drew Paulusse; GEMTEC Consulting Engineers and Scientists Ltd.; Brenda Rabb, Rabb Construction Ltd.; Sandro Ricci, ASL; Stephen Turner, Ottawa Residential Consultants Inc.; and Bob Watson, Marathon Underground Constructors Corp.

As well, representatives from other associations serving on the board include: Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction Association (OSWCA) – Jeff Mulcock, Taggart Construction Ltd.; Ontario Road Builders; Association (ORBA) – Ivan Levac, R.W. Tomlinson Ltd.; and Association of Consulting Engineers Companies (ACEC) – Edson Donnelly, Novatech Engineers, Planners and Landscape.


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