Kingston seeking input on major road improvement projects


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The City of Kingston says major improvements planned for Bayridge Drive between Cataraqui Woods Drive and Henderson Boulevard are needed to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as access to transit.

Design work is targeted to be completed this fall, with construction planned for 2023. Proposed project plans are available for review and a virtual open house on May 24 at 6 p.m. will include presentations from the project planners.
“We know that more people will choose active transportation – such as walking or biking – if it is safe and accessible to do so,” said Marissa Mascaro, manager of transportation infrastructure.

“The proposed upgrades along Bayridge Drive will make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to choose active travel options, which benefits community health and well-being, while also helping avoid greenhouse gas emissions.”

Substantial improvements are planned along the five-kilometre stretch of Bayridge Drive, including new-to-Kingston types of off-road cycling facilities, connected pedestrian routes and improved access to transit. The project will also introduce ‘AAA’ (all ages and abilities) intersection upgrades including crossrides and bike signals.

This project is funded through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program through the public transit stream to provide safer options for active travel and make it easier for residents to directly access public transit.

More information about the City’s active transportation plans and projects.


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