CRIC rallies support for Net Zero construction waste initiative


Ottawa Construction News staff writer

The Construction Resource Initiatives Council (CRIC) has called on – and received support – from several industry leaders and a municipal political candidate for its Net Zero construction renovation and demolition waste initiative, Mission 2030.

CRIC CEO Renee Gratton organized the Feb. 19 press conference at the Ottawa Construction Association (OCA) to highlight commitments to cut non-residential construction waste through a signed  “INteractors Pledge.”

“From hereon, we will review all of our delivery approaches and policies to consider the life cycle impacts of all materials part of our supply chain, in our resource and waste management plans and actions, as well as measure and verify our performance for continued improvements; or as a political representative or candidate, I will support this pledge within my respective level of government,” the pledge says.


Somerset ward municipal election candidate Martin Canning signed the document, along with Brian Hall, managing director of the Canadian Prestressed/Precast Concrete Institute (CPCI) and OCA president John DeVries.


CPCI president Robert Burak congratulated Gratton on the event.  “I am always impressed by your partnerships on these important initiatives such as your work with UNEP’s Global Partnership on Waste Management (UNEP-GPWM)b and Canada’s first national Zero Waste Council,” he wrote in an email.  “CPCI has been proud to support your efforts, and we look forward to a long collaborative partnership.”




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