Contractor seeks $4.5 million quarry rezoning in Stittsville

cranes quarry

The City of Ottawa has received applications from Crain’s Construction of Maberly, Ontario to rezone 180 acres of land at 7731 Fernbank Rd. (just west of Jinkinson) for a quarry, reports.

Officially, they’ve applied to change the Official Plan designation of the property to “Limestone Resource Area” and to rezone property, to “Mineral Extraction Zone”. The land is currently zoned as Rural Countryside (RU).

If the zoning and official plan amendments are approved, Crain would still need approvals from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Environment before they can start operating.

A MLS listing with an asking price of $4.5 million describes the property as a:

200 acre pit/quarry with a proposed licenced pit/quarry of +/- 130 acres. Approximately 195,000 metric tonnes of surface top soil and 2,300,000 surface gravel. Proposed quarry depth is 90 feet and volume of quarriable rock is approximately 35,000,000 metric tonnes. Limestone is a good aggregate source and testing of limestone for asphalt and concrete is ongoing. This is an excellent opportunity for continued/expanded use.


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