City of Ottawa reorganizes departments key to the city’s construction industry



Ottawa Construction News staff writer

The City of Ottawa has reorganized operations of key departments relating to the city’s construction industry, and appointed two new managers to oversee the new structure.

Tammy Rose has been selected as the general manager of the new Infrastructure and Water Services Department, and Alain Gonthier has been named as general manager of the Public Works Department, effective in mid-January, city manager Steve Kanellakos said in a memo to council.

“The organizational changes include the creation of a new Infrastructure and Water Services Department (IWSD) and rebalanced Public Works Department (PWD) and Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED), Kanellakos’ memo said.

There are no job impacts resulting from this realignment and these changes are revenue neutral.

Rose, who will oversee the Infrastructure and Water Services Department, has worked with the city since 2002 and  is a bilingual professional engineer with more than 28 years of experience in water infrastructure operations, maintenance and engineering management.

Meanwhile, Gauthier, responsible for the Public Works Department, joined the city in 1998 and has spent the bulk of his professional career working in various capacities within Public Works and Infrastructure Services.

The current Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department (PIED) will become the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED), led by Stephen Willis, the city manager’s memo says.

“PRED will continue to manage the strategic arm of the city’s future development and economic rebound, focusing on opportunities to create new jobs, build better neighbourhoods, increase economic vitality and advance transformative planning activities,” Kanellakos writes. “This includes the implementation of the city’s new Official Plan and the development of the Transportation Master Plan.”


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