BECOR “brag session” lunch and learn provides technical knowledge


Ottawa Construction News staff writer

Building Envelope Council Ottawa Region (BECOR) members learned about building envelope initiatives at a “brag session” lunch and learn technical seminar on Dec. 4.

Topics included: Presentation of the thermal wall calculator software by Rob Jonkman, from the Canadian Wood Council; a case study of the HMCS Cataraqui building envelope failure by Brian Hierlihy, PTAH Consultants Inc.; “Ottawa Community Housing: The mean greening machine!” by Daniele Dicaire, OCH’s energy and sustainability officer; “All Steamed Up: Restoring heritage windows” by renovation contractor Paul Denys of Denys Design Build; and “Dymon in the rough” by Peter Fridgen from Fridgen Fenestration, describing the new Dymon Capital storage facility at Carling and the Queensway.


BECOR is a non-profit organization committed to promoting advanced technologies and techniques in the design, construction and performance of the building envelope.

For more information, see


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