Associate Publisher’s viewpoint


    By Tim Lawlor

    Associate Publisher, Ottawa Construction News

    Five things you can do now to improve your life

    Here are some simple ideas on life improvement, provided by our friend Kevin Dee, CEO of Eagle Professional Service.

    You have heard many times that you are the architect of your own destiny, but do you actually do anything about that?

    People tell you that you can choose to be happy … but do you believe them?

    Here are just five things (almost) anyone can do to improve their life.

    1. Cultivate a positive attitude.

    Your attitude is generally totally within your control. Most of us can choose to focus on the good in our lives or not.

    Your action item: Start a list of every little thing in your life that is good. You can use this list every day to start your day off positively; you can use it whenever you are feeling a little low, to help pick you up; and you can add to it every time you think of something else to be thankful for.

    2. Commit to your job.

    Whatever your job is, commit to being the best you can possibly be at that job. There is a great feeling of satisfaction from doing a job well, and it opens other doors! Your action item: Decide what that “master of your job” looks like, and become that person.

    3. Invest in yourself.

    Your action item. Decide what skill you can upgrade, and do what you need to do in order to upgrade that skill. Whether it involves classes, reading books, night school … just make it happen.

    4. Improve your health and fitness.

    Your action item: Decide on one area of your health and fitness to improve, put a plan in place and execute on that plan. It might mean finally dropping a couple of pounds, or getting a little more exercise. It might mean joining a team or getting a personal trainer. Focus on just one thing and you can make it happen.

    5. Give.

    If there is one thing guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself, it is by helping others. Your action item: Pick some cause, any cause … and get involved. Donate some time, donate some money and make a difference. Once you get started on this path to improvement the possibilities are endless. Just start!

    “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot

    Kevin Dee is CEO of Eagle (a professional staffing company).


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