Ottawa building permits: Decline in October but overall numbers still 10% higher than 2017’s numbers

315 Terravita
315 Terravita

While Ottawa’s October building permit volume declined by $92.4 million from the same month las last, the overall building permits volume for the first 10 months of 2018 still is about 10 per cent higher – or $236 million – than for the same period in 2017.

The city reports that $211.2 million in permits were issued in October compared to $303.6 million in October, 2017. The total from January through October this year is $2,544.8 million compared to $2,308.8 million in the same period last year.

The entire city building report for October can be downloaded here.

Major October building permits include:

1125 Colonel By Ave. (Carleton University) — $20,300,313
Published reports at the time of the ceremonial building groundbreaking in the summer gave this project a $65.1 million value, kickstarted with a $10 million contribution from Tartan Homes founder Wes Nicol. The six story Nicol Building for the Sprott School of Business has been designed by Toronto’s Hariri Pontarini Architects. The 10,000 sq. ft. structure is expected to be completed in 2020.

4 Booth Street (Zibi) — $18,301,198

Part of Windmill’s Zibi project on Chaudiere Island, this permit is for a “six storey superstructure mixed use building (block 205),” with 71 dwelling units, according to building permit filings.

315 Terravita, Gloucester — $4,276.819

315 terravitaThe permit says the project will have 32 dwelling units

5315 Abbott St. E., Goulbourn — $4,031,869
This project is for a clubhouse and sports dome, the result of a partnership between the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) and the Ottawa Sooners Football Club. It will be completed by May, 2019.


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