New executive, awards recognitions for CSC Ottawa chapter leaders


STAFF WRITER – The Ottawa Construction News

The Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Ottawa chapter confirmed the chapter’s 2016-17 executive at the annual chapter meeting on May 12.

Charbel Abou-Tayeh, senior construction project manager at Broccolini Construction, became the chapter’s chair, with Sonia Zouari moving to become the chapter’s representative on the national CSC board of directors.

Other executive members and officers include: Hanan Raghib, chapter vice chair; Mike Thornber (with Hanan Raghib), treasurer; Charbel Abou-Tayeh, membership officer; Isabelle Champagne, manufacturer/supplier officer; and John Cooke, engineering officer.

Treasurer Mike Thornber reported the chapter’s finances are in excellent shape, in part because of several successful events during the year.

CSC Ottawa Chapter leaders also received recognition at the association’s national conference in Halifax in late May.

Sonia Zouari received the National Award of Merit for her leadership in advancing the Ottawa chapter and CSC interests.

Chris Lance received the program director’s award for his contributions to the Education Certification Committee. (Lance helped revise and update the CSC’s comprehensive educational program materials.)

Hanan Raghib was recognized for her achievements in completing the requirements to become a Certified Specifications Practitioner. (CSP)

Michael Thornber accepted the chapter award of merit.

David Egan received recognition for being a member for 40 years. Other long standing Ottawa chapter members include: 50 years – Chris R. MacPhail and Joe Liff; 20 years – Gerald Morin; 15 years – David Lacelle; and 10 years – Martin Renault and Donald Wood.


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