Belleville breaks ground on street reconstruction project


Ottawa Construction News staff writer

The City of Belleville recently held a groundbreaking for the Murney Street and Henry Street reconstruction project.

Work is being completed by Cobourg Development Services and will take place in two phases. Phase 1 includes the north half of Murney Street from Henry Street to Moira Street West, and Henry Street from Murney Street to Cedar Street. Phase 2 will then consist of the reconstruction of Murney Street from Catharine Street to Henry Street which will be completed in 2024.

“The streets in our residential communities are the infrastructure that help to connect us to each other, our work, and the goods and services we need to live comfortable, productive lives,” said MP Mark Gerretsen. “Reconstructing Murney Street and Henry Street and modernizing their water, storm and sanitary sewer systems will support a safer, more resilient community for residents.”

The project includes rehabilitation of Murney Street from Catharine Street to Moira Street West (roughly 380 metres) and Henry Street from Murney Street to Cedar Street (roughly 100 metres). It also includes the replacement of the cast-iron watermain installed in 1911, as well as the replacement of sanitary sewers and corresponding services for each.

Storm and sanitary sewers, which are currently combined, will be separated, new storm sewers will be added and a new roadway, curb, gutter, and sidewalks on both sides of the street will be constructed.

This project is funded through the Canada Community-Building Fund, a permanent, stable source of Federal funding, earmarked for local infrastructure projects. In Ontario, the Fund is administered to local governments by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) to 443 municipalities, excluding the City of Toronto.

“On behalf of the City, I would like to thank our partners at the federal level for their ongoing support through the Canada Community-Building Fund,” said Mayor Neil Ellis. “This funding allows us to prioritize and complete key infrastructure projects that directly benefit our residents. We look forward to the completion of this project as we work to ensure safe and efficient transportation systems for residents.”


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