Marketing Advice

Effective marketing ideas for your architectural, engineering or construction business

Construction News and Report Group president Mark Buckshon has written Construction Marketing Ideas:  Practical strategies and resources to attract and retain profitable clients for your architectural, engineering or construction business.  You can learn more about the book  at the Construction Marketing Ideas blog and purchase it there or at a diversity of print and e-book retailers, including the IPad store, and

If you have paid for an advertisement in OCN in the past two years, you can request a free copy of the book by emailing

Marketing advice and consultation is FREE to all OCN advertisers.  We believe that all advertisers should achieve tangible results from their investment, and the resources in the book and at the blog are supplemented with individualized consulting and guidance on request.  Notably, the book has sold hundreds of copies around the world to businesses who would have no reason to advertise in OCN.  You can see readers’ reviews at the site.