Windmill signs letter of intent with Algonquins of Ontario for Zibi project

zibi westeinde

Windmill Development Group Ltd. has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with the Algonquins of Ontario (AOO), creating a landmark partnership that will see the preservation and promotion of Algonquin culture in the development of Zibi, a world class sustainable community by Windmill and Dream Unlimited Corp, the Algonquins of Ontario said in a statement.

“Zibi, which means ‘river’ in Algonquin, is being built on the former Domtar Lands, consisting of both the Chaudière and Albert Islands and surrounded by the Ottawa River. Since time immemorial, the majesty of the Chaudière Falls has been regarded as a sacred place for the Algonquin people. As part of the LOI, Windmill acknowledges that the land along the Ottawa River (known in the Algonquin language as Kichisippi) has never been ceded.

“Windmill is committed to working in partnership with the AOO to establish several initiatives to pay respect to the Algonquin history and create opportunities for the Algonquin people. Economic development strategies include hiring Aboriginal tradespeople to work on the development and generating business opportunities. Youth employment and mentorship programs, as well as public artwork, signage and design elements to reflect the Algonquin history within Zibi, will also be reviewed through the partnership.”

“Windmill is honoured to be working in partnership with the Algonquin people to ensure their longstanding presence and history in the area of Zibi is both duly honoured and preserved,” Windmill founding partner Jeff Westeinde said in a statement.


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