June Ottawa building permits reach $234.9 million

holoucast monument

Year-to-date and June building permit activity indicates a continuing recovery from last year’s decline.

Total permits issued in June reached $234.9 million, compared to $219.4 million in June 2015. This is still significantly lower than the June 2014 recorded permits at $273.8 million.

The total for the first half of this year is $1,168.7 million compared to $920.6 million through June 2015, a 26.9 per cent increase.

The largest permit in June at $36,760,606, was issued to Boma Building and Management Co. Ltd. to construct an eight-storey Fairfield Inn & Suites near the airport at 135 Thad Johnson Prv.

Other significant June permits include:

  • $16,558,673: A new Costco warehouse at 4315 Strandherd Dr. (Barrhaven);
  • $6,767,100: Interior alterations on the fourth floor of the Elisabeth Bruyere Residence at 75 Brueyere St.;
  • $4,521,629: Construction of a three-storey, 35-unit apartment building at 948 Hunt Club Rd. (General contractor is VIP Construction);
  • $3,333,029: Construction of a four storey, 16 unit apartment building at 340 Tribeca Pvt. (Valecraft).

There is also a $2,616,000 permit to construct the National Holocaust Monument at 85 Booth St., and a $2,421,197 permit (issued to PCL Constructors Canada Inc.) for a visitor welcome centre on Parliament Hill between the west and centre blocks.

See complete Ottawa permit data here:

[gview file=”https://ottawaconstructionnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sbuilding-code-servicescipmgovernance-and-corporate-management-gperformance-reporting-g15open-8.xls”]

Image: Rendering of National Holocaust Monument


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