Production homes
Production home attached, 2,000 sq. ft. or less: eQ Homes: the Atticus
Production home attached, 2,001 sq. ft. or more: Cardel Homes: the Balsa
Production home, single detached, 2,000 sq. ft. or less: Minto Communities: the Butternut
Production home, single detached, 2,001-2,600 sq. ft., $500,000 and under: Tartan Homes: the Summerhill
Production home, single detached, 2,001-2,600 sq. ft., $500,001 and over: Richcraft: the Beechside
Production home, single detached, 2,601-3,500 sq. ft., $750,000 and under: Caivan Communities: Fox Run Series II, Plan 2
Production home, single detached, 2,601-3,500 sq. ft., $750,001 and over: RND Construction & Christopher Simmonds Architect: the Meadow
Production home, single detached, 3,501 sq. ft. or more: Minto Communities: the Red Maple
Planned new community: Hobin Architecture & eQ Homes: Greystone Village
Built new community: Hobin Architecture: the Haven
Kitchens and baths
Production kitchen, 160 sq. ft. or less: Tartan Homes: the Tweed
Production kitchen, 161 sq. ft. or more: Deslaurier Custom Cabinets & Uniform Urban Developments
Production bathroom: Deslaurier Custom Cabinets & Uniform Urban Developments
Custom kitchen, 180 sq. ft. or less, traditional: Amsted Design-Build
Custom kitchen, 180 sq. ft. or less, contemporary: Denys Builds Designs
Custom kitchen, 181-240 sq. ft., traditional: Astro Design Centre
Custom kitchen, 181-240 sq. ft., contemporary: RND Construction & Deslaurier Custom Cabinets
Custom kitchen, 241 sq. ft. or more, traditional, $75,000 and under: Neoteric Developments
Custom kitchen, 241 sq. ft. or more, contemporary, $75,000 and under: Astro Design Centre
Custom kitchen, 241 sq. ft. or more, traditional, $75,001 and over — John Laurysen Memorial Trophy: Laurysen Kitchens & Lépine Corporation
Custom kitchen, 241 sq. ft. or more, contemporary, $75,001 and over: Linebox Studio & The Lake Partnership
Custom bathroom, 100 sq. ft. or less, traditional: Sunter Homes
Custom bathroom, 100 sq. ft. or less, contemporary: Laurysen Kitchens & Minto Communities
Custom bathroom, 101 sq. ft. or more, traditional: Laurysen Kitchens & Minto Communities
Custom bathroom, 101 sq. ft. or more, contemporary: Astro Design Centre
Custom bathroom, powder room: Neoteric Developments
Custom homes
Custom home, 2,400 sq. ft. or less: Christopher Simmonds Architect & Maple Leaf Custom Homes
Custom home, 3,501 sq. ft. or more: Christopher Simmonds Architect & Maple Leaf Custom Homes
Custom urban home, 2,400 sq. ft. or less, contemporary: Tomic Construction & Shean Architects
Custom urban home, 2,401-3,500 sq. ft.: Hobin Architecture
Custom urban home, 3,501 sq. ft. or more: Linebox Studio & The Lake Partnership
Custom urban home, multi-unit: Rosaline J. Hill Architect & Sherbrooke Urban Developments
Multi-family structures
Mid-rise building, 5-9 storeys: Minto Communities: the Beechwood
High-rise building, 10 storeys or more: Minto Communities: UpperWest
Low-rise suite: Uniform Urban Developments, Hobin Architecture & 2H Interior Design: the Vista
Mid to high-rise suite, 501 sq. ft. or more: Southam Design
Renovation under $100,000: Amsted Design-Build
Renovation $100,001-$200,000: Artium Design Build
Renovation $200,001-$350,000: Lagois Design Build Renovate
Renovation $350,001 to $500,000: Amsted Design-Build
Renovation $500,001 and over: Project1 Studio & Novera Homes
Basement renovation: Just Basements
Other categories
Housing details: Linebox Studio & The Lake Partnership
Any room in the house: Hobin Architecture, 2H Interior Design & Cada Construction
Exterior details: Art House Developments
Exterior living space: Neoteric Developments
Anywhere in the world: Linebox Studio
Prestige awards
Green production home of the year: RND Construction & Christopher Simmonds Architect: the Meadow
Green custom home of the year: RND Construction & Arca-Verde
Custom builder of the year: RND Construction
Designer of the year: Project1 Studio
Production builder of the year: eQ Homes
Renovator of the year: Lagois Design-Build-Renovate
Colonel Boss Award (presented annually to an individual for outstanding dedication and service to the association): Murray Chown, Novatech Engineering
Fred Neilson Award (presented annually to a company that has made an outstanding and lasting contribution to the association and the housing industry): Enercare & The Regional Group
Enbridge Hall of Fame Award: Friedemann Weinhardt, Design First Interiors
Ottawa Citizen People’s Choice Award: Neoteric Developments