PAGE B8 – December 2013 – The Ottawa Construction News
Lansdowne Park redevelopment
Progress on south stands’ veil reported as
sports stadium project moves to finishing stages
– The Ottawa Construction News Special Feature
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Progress continues at Lansdowne as
work on the south stands’ veil continues and
attention turns to the project’s finishing de-
tails. Pomerleau’s project director Philippe
Goulet says about half the primary members
have been erected for the wooden veil and
that lower-level connections are being com-
pleted. “The upper parts will arrive on site
by late November,” he said. “The installa-
tion of these is the most technically complex
part of the work.”
Goulet says the large upper curved por-
tions will be assembled and braced on the
ground and lifted into place. This follows a
similar model used for the north stands roof
that was assembled on the ground and then
lifted into position.
Finishing work below the south stands
has started including lighting for the office
and team areas.
On the north side, work on the upper
concourse steel structure has been com-
pleted with attention turning towards its
lower exterior. Seating here will be fully in-
stalled by the end of November, in line with
the scheduled timeline.
The parking garage, now being used by
on-site workers as a primary parking space,
is being prepped so plumbing and electrical
can be completed. The northern part will be
paved by early December.
The final component for sports opera-
tions – the field – is next on the agenda.
“We’ve had a kick-off meeting with the
consultants, the grading company and the
installer to be sure everyone and everything
is in order,” says Goulet.
The sports field, intended to meet FIFA
ratings, requires installation by an accred-
ited company. LML from Montreal, which
recently installed another field in the city,
has been assigned this subcontract.
Most crews will likely be on the site for
three-day weeks during the Christmas holi-
day season, depending on scheduling re-