Associate Publisher’s viewpoint


    By Tim Lawlor

    Associate Publisher, Ottawa Construction News

    In our everyday lives we are always pressed do more, do better, get more.

    But have you ever sat down and really taken stock and looked at what you have or have achieved… no matter how small or insignificant you think it may be? Well, I think our friend Kevin Dee from EAGLE has hit the nail on the head.

    Please enjoy his latest blog entry and then take some time to ponder his musings. Live well and enjoy, after all, at the end of this thing we call life, we all end up with the exact same thing.

    Appreciate what you have.

    It is easy to take things for granted.

    Here are four examples:

    1. On a grand scale we take our situation for granted with our “first world” problems.

    We live in an instant everything kind of world. Instant information, music, sports, food, entertainment, friends … you name it, you can get access to it instantaneously.

    Yet more than half the world’s population, more than three billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day.

    2. Even living in the “first world” environment, there are “haves” and “have nots.”

    We take our situation for granted working in modern companies. We work in jobs that provide us with an ever-growing list of benefits … guaranteed income levels, flexible working conditions, additional health benefits, extra time off, social events, special recognition of work achievements and on and on. At the same time, many, many people work multiple jobs to make ends meet, earn minimum wage or live hand to mouth. Homelessness and poverty are abundant even in our rich society.

    3. At a personal level we take the people in our lives for granted.

    It is often the people closest to us that we take for granted. Our immediate family, for whom we would “walk on hot rocks,” we may also mistreat for trivial arguments. We often forget to tell people how we feel about them, generating regret when the relationship sours, or worse, they are no longer here!

    4. Also at a personal level we take our health for granted.

    We don’t get regular check ups, we don’t work out enough, we eat poorly, and adopt poor lifestyle habits. At some point, it all catches up and again we are left with regrets.

    DON’T take your life for granted, appreciate what you have! Be PROACTIVE in driving your life to be a life with few regrets.

    LIVE life, enjoy life and be kind to others.

    “No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.” Marc and Angel Kevin Dee is the founder and chairman of Eagle (a professional staffing company).

    Ottawa Construction News staff are experts when it comes to construction industry company profiles, backgrounders, and news and media marketing integration. If we can help you with your communication or branding campaigns, please feel free to contact Tim Lawlor directly by phone at (613) 699-2057 ext. 110 or by emailing


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