Associate Publisher’s viewpoint


    By Tim Lawlor
    Associate Publisher, Ottawa Construction News

    Work Ethic: What it really means

    Here is another great article from Kevin Dee that I would like to share with our valued readers. Thank you for your continued readership and support.

    Hard work is the critical component to any success you might have.

    How hard you work is something that is entirely within your own control.

    Lots of people think they work hard!

    Take an honest look at your day and see how many hours you REALLY work. Try logging every 15 minute time slice, and really understand where your days go.

    “It seems the harder I work, the more luck I have.” Thomas Jefferson

    How much time do you spend on personal activities? How much time is spent on “make work” activities?

    How often do you get up and go for a coffee, chat to a colleague, wander to the kitchen or water cooler, have a “cigarette break” or use your time for non-work activities?

    “Nothing worth having comes easy.” Theodore Roosevelt

    Do you plan your day and work your day?

    Do you plan your weeks and months?

    Do you set goals?

    Do you have a “To Do” list?

    Do you create positive habits?

    Do you look for ways to be more efficient?

    General wisdom often suggests that it is more important to work smarter, than harder … but that assumes a baseline effort that is adequate! I will take hard working with average intelligence over the lazy genius … any day! (Guess what? There really aren’t that many geniuses!)

    “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” Ann Landers

    If you have ambitions of any kind of success then you MUST develop a strong work ethic! It is totally in your control and can have a huge positive impact … what are you waiting for?

    Kevin is founder and CEO of Eagle, a privately owned and operated Canadian professional staffing company. See

    Tim Lawlor can be reached at (613) 699-2057 ext. 210 or by email at


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